Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Should Be Most Popular?

Each morning we review the 'most popular' list from nine newspapers around the world and try to understand why those stories got clicked on the most. Today we're starting something new by asking the questions - what should be most popular, why and why isn't it getting the attention it deserves. And finally, how can we drive more attention to the issue?

Offer your choice for most popular in the comments section below. Your picks don't have to be from the nine papers we use. Here's our pick - Global Extinction Crisis Looms, New Study Says We believe that the importance of the issue speaks for itself.

One explanation for why it hasn't reached the 'most popular' spot on the Washington Post's page might be because it's too upsetting to read. However, traffic still slows when there's an accident as people sneak a peek. Maybe that's not the best analogy - but "upsetting" doesn't completely explain why people aren't clicking on stories about environmental destruction. If the accident analogy rings somewhat true - then more people should be clicking on this type of story. On the other hand - if celebrities hung out at the side of the road - traffic might slow even more.  (Today's most popular stories had at least two stories referencing celebrities and celebrities almost always appear at the top of Google's list of hot topics.) This is no doubt why issue groups love to have celebrities work for their cause.

It's illogical - but so is the destruction of the world's species. But one logical thing we could do - is to email this story to friends

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