Saturday, October 23, 2010

# 1: Top Ranked Stories

As of Saturday, Oct. 23, 2010 at 5:13pm - here's what's most popular:

New York Times readers are still very interested in middle-aged women with long hair. But the rest of the newspaper readers have discovered other stories to flock to. Unlike yesterday's stories, a few of today's have something substantive to offer the world. The Hill doesn't fit into the same category as the other papers - but I figured it would offer an interesting contrast. Its most popular article concerns the disparity of teen pregnancy rates across the US - and it's worth the read.

The LA Times surprised me with its readers favoring an article on the G-20 meeting.  And the Guardian's top ranked piece on Wikileaks and Iraq deaths is intriguing.

Here's a segment from a comment by one of the Guardian's readers. I'm going to post a poll asking this blog's readers if they agree with the statement.

Saltcity 2010 12:40AM
As an American (who now lives in Canada) I'm amazed at how Europeans don't seem to understand America. Even if they showed this data in every classroom, it wouldn't make a difference. I can't say I know all about Europe, even though I lived there for 9 years. Europeans know almost nothing about the USA. Truth to Power? Total BS. You could headline this stuff on the Today Show every morning for a week and nothing will happen.

New York Times

Sydney Morning Herald

The Guardian

The Hill

The Globe and Mail

LA Times

The Irish Independent

The Telegraph

The Washington Post

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