Friday, October 29, 2010

# 1: Top Ranked Stories

Islam and Octopuses

Octopuses have managed to wiggle their way into the number one slot twice this week, here and here. And Islam, in one way or another, became the topic of stories in the number one most viewed articles in two papers today. Beyond that - well, you be the judge.

The Canadians displayed a degree of maturity in their number one pick with this story which - compared to most number one 'most viewed' stories - might be considered esoteric.

Each morning we attempt to understand what drives people's curiosity and attention. This feature uses the simple metric of 'most viewed articles' - a feature on the home-pages of many newspapers.

If you have an answer to the questions - what drives people's attention? And - should we be attending to something else? If so - how? - then please comment below.

Times of India

New York Times

Sydney Morning Herald

The Guardian

The Hill

The Globe and Mail

LA Times

The Irish Independent

The Telegraph

The Washington Post

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope that people remember how our country got into this mess. We had a surplus until the "tax the middle class and really enrich the already really rich" people got into power 8+ years ain't gonna be fixed overnight, and, unfortunately, if those same people get put back into DC, it'll be a hell of a lot worse!!
